Aditya hrudayam telugu pratipadardham
Aditya hrudayam telugu pratipadardham

aditya hrudayam telugu pratipadardham

Aditya Hridayam lyrics in Telugu and English With Meaning Salutations to Aditya who appears in twelve forms viz. Ugra - terrible for enemies Veera - brave powerful Saranga - one who runs swiftly Padmaprabodha - one whose appearance makes the lotus blossom Martanda - after that annihilation of the creation one who is able to create it again 19 Salutation to Him who is the inspiration to Trimurtis Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha and inspiration to all creatures, salutation to who is fierce like Rudra at the end of the creation 20 Salutations to the dispeller of the darkness ignorance and cold snowwho is fearful to bad people, Salutations also to the annihilator of the ungrateful and to the Lord of all the stellar bodies, who is the first amongst all the lights of the Universe. He who is the son of Adhithi and Kashyapa. Tamoghna - dispeller of the darkness ignorance Himaghna - one who is the reason for melting snow Shatrugna - one who punishes ungrateful people Amitatmane - one who has enormous will power Krithagna - annihilator of the ungrateful people Jyotishampati - lord of the all stellar things Deva - one whose form is illuminating.Īditya - son of Aditi, one who attract all towards Him Savitha - one who rule the world, controller of the world Qditya - one who encourages all, active Khaga - one who moves in space bird Poosha - one who protects all worlds Gabhastiman - one who has bright rays Suvarnasadrisha - golden colored Bhanu - pervaded in all Swarnareta - radiant round shaped like golden egg Diwakara - one who is reason for bright day. He who merges at night and become cool, destroyer of the cold, snow and fog. He pervades all with immeasurable amount of rays.

aditya hrudayam telugu pratipadardham

With the grace of Gods he encourages Rama with his meditation power.

aditya hrudayam telugu pratipadardham

If you chant three times for sure you will be the conquer of this battle. Jaya - one who brings victory Jayabhadra - one who gives auspiciousness and prosperity Haryashwa - one who is carried by Green horses Sahasramsha - one who has infinite rays Aditya - son of Aditi, one who attracts all towards Him. Hiranyagarbha - one who has powers of Brahman, prosperity and who is wise Jnani Sishira - one who makes cold by rain produced by him Tapana - one who generates heat Bhaskara - one who gives light Jnana Ravi - one who is praised by everyone Agnigharbha - one who has Aditeputra - son of Aditi and Kashyapa Maharshi Shankha - one who become cool when he sets Shisiranashana - one who melts snow, fog and cold 13 He is the lord of the space and ruler of the sky, dispeller of darkness, master of the three Vedas viz.

Aditya hrudayam telugu pratipadardham